s4 Research

Stream Four

Local communities play a prominent role in bringing about appropriate responses to major shocks. This research stream surveys households in affected regions to ascertain the extent of indirect ‘knock-on’ impacts of the plant closures for households, as closures can create both negative and positive social impacts.

This might include families whose businesses are affected by the closures and impacts for community cohesion as people unite to rebuild their communities. The strength of local government, local leadership, geography, resource endowments and industry structure all serve as important mediating factors.

We will gauge whether the uncertainties of the labour market give rise to feelings of helplessness, and the degree to which individuals look to governments or businesses to identify solutions.

We will examine the relationship between structural adjustment programs and political (dis)enfranchisement, and the degree to which individuals are aware of government assistance.

Our findings are published in journal articles and can be accessed on our Findings & Publications page.

Research Streams