R Research

RSA Network on Putting the ‘Just’ into Just Transitions for Cities and Regions

In November 2022, a special symposium was conducted in Rome with the support of the Australian Catholic University.  One of the outcomes from this event was the successful submission of a funding bid to the Regional Studies Association (RSA) to establish a research network entitled Putting the ‘Just’ into Just Transitions for Cities and Regions in collaboration with key academics from the Australian Catholic University, University of South Australia, University of Ferrara, University of Florence, and the University of Birmingham.  The network was created to develop scholarship and policy on just transitions in response to industrial, environmental, and technological change. Through a series of international workshops, the network proposes to disseminate new findings on diverse notions of justice for policy. 

We are pleased to share that we have completed three events to date:

  • A research symposium entitled Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Marking 10 Years Since the End of Australian Car Manufacturing was Declared held at the Stretton Centre, Elizabeth, South Australia in February 2024. The symposium, funded by the RSA, brings together relevant stakeholders to discuss issues relating to the closure of the Australian automotive sector and findings from the Australian Research Council (ARC)-funded project, Future Work, Future Communities (FWFC), which aims to create a blueprint that supports companies and governments across Australia better manage structural economic change. The symposium was convened by Associate Professor Tom Barnes, Australian Catholic University; and Professor Andrew Beer and Associate Professor Sally Weller, University of South Australia.  Please click here for more details.
  • A special session entitled Just Transitions of Cities and Regions held at the RSA Winter Conference in London in November 2023. The session was convened by Associate Professor Sally Weller, University of South Australia.  Key highlights of the event are available here.

Over the next two years, planning is underway to hold a series of research symposia overseas and special sessions at forthcoming RSA conferences in Australia and Europe, so watch this space.

Symposia and Special Sessions