Team Julie Ratcliffe JR Julie Ratcliffe is a Matthew Flinders Fellow and Professor of Health Economics in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Flinders University. She previously worked at the University of South Australia and has also held positions at the University of Sheffield and Brunel University in the UK. She holds a Bachelor of Arts specializing in Economics from the University of Manchester and a PhD in Health Economics from Brunel University. Professor Ratcliffe currently holds Honorary Professorial appointments at the School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield and the Institute of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Glasgow. Professor Ratcliffe has served as an invited expert health economist member of the South Australian Health Department’s Policy Advisory Committee on Health Technologies (SAPACT) and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Expert Advisory Group for the Development of Social Care Economic Evaluation Methods for NICE Social Care Guidelines. She is an active member of the Australian Health Economics Society (AHES), the International Health Economics Association (IHEA) and the Health Economists Study Group (HESG). Professor Ratcliffe research interests include measuring and valuing quality of life and wellbeing in individuals and communities and the application of choice modelling in establishing individuals and community preferences for employment re-structuring and future employment options. More Team Members Andrew Beer Executive Dean of UniSA Business, The University of South Australia Markku Sotarauta Professor of Regional Development Studies